Youth Social Advocacy Team

Youth Social Advocacy Team

Youth Social Advocacy Team (YSAT) is a refugee-led non-profit NGO working in Uganda, South Sudan with displaced people to tackle barriers to education, hunger and root causes of violent conflicts to achieve a self-sustained and Violence-free Communities.

Our Story

When we arrived in Uganda in 2014, we witnessed how refugee youth including ourselves became victims of the conflict and many forms of violence in South Sudan while escaping the crisis that started in 2013 fearing for our lives. During our Exchange Visit to Adjumani organized by Danish Refugee Council (DRC)under the UNHCR funded Safe from Start Project in 2015, The refugee leader of Mirey Camp (a dinka) said quote “Are there still some Riak Machars Alive” this statement referred to Nuer ethnic group that visited Adjumani where majority of refugees are Dinka ethnic group, its hateful, inciting violence, for displaced people looking seeking safety outside South Sudan, we were touched!